"Venus" is one of many films that bears this title, but it has not been available as a home video for a long time. Throwing out a batch of old and deteriorating video tapes recently, I found a copy and watched it again after a lapse of almost 20 years. I was surprised to enjoy it enough to re-record it as a VCD. If it is ever released in DVD format I will almost certainly buy it.
"Venus" is best described as an early example of the genre of films we would today call erotic comedies. However, unlike many of those that came later, it had a believable story line, characters that were reasonably well rounded, good photography and better than passable acting. It is a short light comedy that is both very enjoyable and very forgettable. The story line provides all that is needed to review it. It relates to the marketing of a new suntan lotion in Venus de Milo shaped bottles. The cosmetic company executive wants to show Aphrodite rising from the foam clutching a bottle, and, very improbably, this involves transporting almost the entire staff of the advertising agency to his private retreat in the Aegean for a photoshoot.
If you can swallow this, just sit back and enjoy the beauty both of the Greek Islands (shown as liberally as is likely in any feature film) and of the young members of the cast (of both sexes). Light and humorous touches arise from a local girl (or a reincarnation of the goddess - you are left to choose!) who resents the associated commercialisation.
No viewer ratings for this film are listed but my rating would be quite high - 8/10. It is clearly a low budget production, but it accomplishes exactly what it sets out to do with some sense of style. If you just want to relax and enjoy a brief trip to the Greek Islands this film is much more fun than most travel promotion videos.
If you have a chance to watch it I recommend doing so.