I recently watched the Fangoria horror-comedy Severed Ties (1992) on Tubi. The storyline follows a young scientist whose mother sells his lab and experiments to fund her extravagant lifestyle and upcoming marriage. When the company takes over, they brutally attack him, leaving him mutilated and armless. Using his own experiments, he regenerates his arm-but it turns into a lizard arm. Determined to get his life back, he creates an army of mutants like himself to challenge the corporation and his ruthless mother.
Directed by Damon Santostefano (Bring It On: Again), the film stars Oliver Reed (Gladiator), Elke Sommer (The Oscar), Garrett Morris (Cooley High), and Billy Morrissette (Vegas Vacation).
I'm one of the few who really enjoyed this movie-it does a great job of not taking itself too seriously. It reminded me of Re-Animator mixed with Frankenhooker in tone. The costumes, sets, and props are a lot of fun and pull you into its quirky universe. There are some fun reptile transformations, and the arm effects are both hilarious and impressive. The random gore and kill scenes are entertaining, and while the comedic elements are hit-or-miss, there's enough going on to keep you watching. The makeup, creature effects, and kills are all well-delivered, and the cheesy, fun ending is a perfect wrap-up.
In conclusion, Severed Ties is a lighthearted sci-fi horror-comedy that's a fun watch for fans of the genre. I'd rate it a 6/10 and recommend it with the right expectations.