Gabriella Hall is a nice looking woman, but I'm sick of seeing her in every second softie I decide to watch. I swear, she's made more softies than Marc Greenberg has produced and when she's the best looking of a female cast; that's not good.
This film, which takes place in Mexico City, uses the story of one woman's misplaced luggage as a basis to have more of the same softie material we've seen zillions of times before. Actually, the acting isn't bad; it's the pace that's horrible. This movie crawls. It seems to take forever to end. It doesn't have any spark. That's Gabby's weakness, she just doesn't have the ability to spark a softie.
The other people in the cast are decent looking at least. Lara Nelms (in her only film appearance) reminds me of what Peppermint Patty from Peanuts will look like as an adult. Dig that crazy red hair! Otherwise, I wouldn't bother seeing it unless you need a softie to cure your sleeplessness.