A professional woman (played well by Megan Ward) is haunted by shocking visions when her younger sister is tragically killed by falling from a cliff. For people like me who suffer from acrophobia (a fear of heights) the tense opening scene (and others during the movie) will induce sweaty palms, I found it genuinely scary. Hitchcock's far superior Vertigo sprang to mind a few times.
Released as Wes Craven Presents Don't Look Down, this really is NOT a Craven movie. My VHS copy comes with the ridiculous quote "This is the best Wes Craven movie that I have ever seen" on the cover. Sure, there are some Craven touches here and there, but he served as one of several producers. This is a horror/thriller that has some good qualities but has made for TV written all over it. BBFC rated 12 here in the UK, low on adult themes but still manages to pack a scare or two. Worth seeing.