Wolf's Rain follows the incredible journey of a pack of wolves who are desperately searching for Paradise, despite the crumbling world around them and the threat of extinction that haunts them. We viewers follow the emotional journey as they find Cheza, a flower maiden who is key to their dream, and awkwardly root for the destruction of humanity and salvation of the wolves. Check for incredible plot.
Next is music--Done by Yoko Kanno, THE composer of the century, there's no way that you can watch this series and not be moved by the incredible soundtrack. It fits the series to a T--and, might I add that the songs range from Latin to French to Maaya Sakamoto singing English. So no worries there.
The voice acting is one of the best that I have ever seen in anime, and trust me, I've seen A LOT. The voices are nearly perfect and fit like puzzle pieces with the tone and plot.
So now for my direct opinions. Wolf's Rain is one of the best things I have ever seen. After every episode I found myself searching for a paradise of my own and a purpose as great as the wolves'. It is an addicting series that is beautifully done--the artwork is amazing and the animation has virtually no flaws. It flows and flows, and leaves you stunned at the end. A good stunned though. An inspired stunned. Which leaves me to my last note--if you're looking for an anime where you can predict the ending, this one ain't it. If you're looking for one that will leave you with a changed perspective of everything, take the leap and watch it.
I can guarantee that there will be something you like and remember forever.