Wexler does a magnificent job of persuading his audience to wake up and smell the very real dangers of overworking and the pricey toll it's taking on our health and our lives.
It would be tough to leave this film and not be stirred to stop accepting the status quo of corporate America. Ultimately this film shows us that the system needs an overhaul. But it's clear that the leaders of the unions and our government organizations, like OSHA, who are "suppose" to be operating to protect the little guy -- clearly are not. Like other health and life issues throughout history, e.g., smoking and drunk driving, it's the little guy who has the biggest voice, once he decides to use it. Time and time again, the film shows us through clear, objective reporting on the part of Wexler, that the leaders are only passing the buck. They refuse to directly answer his questions which are quite reasonable, and instead offer replies that merely attempt to detour the filmmaker from initiating any real change. Wexler is a stalwart champion (with a dry and down-to-earth sense of humor) who uses this issue to persevere with this film, eight years in the making.
This is not just for film crew people but for all workers who long to shake off the heavy cloak of overwork-dom mystique that is killing many of us, literally. Thought-provoking and entertaining...factual and inspirational.