This film tells the story of a native American woman who discovers that her schizophrenic mother is actually a victim of a scheme of widespread abuse, torture and a massive cover up at an institutional level.
Even after reading the synopsis of the plot, I was still unprepared for the atrocities portrayed in the film. I have little knowledge in native American history, and the events portrayed truly shocks me. I'm sadly reminded of a similar film but set in a different country, "Rabbit Proof Fence". I'm glad to see justice is portrayed, and healing occurs. The plot itself is quite good, it's engaging because it mixes romance with drama and supernatural elements. I enjoyed it.
Bradley Cooper's character is a bit redundant and out of place with the plot. It feels as if his character is added to the plot after the plot is written. Anyway, despite the apparently low budget, " Older Than America " is a good film and deserves to be watched.