This show has many strengths and is well-produced. But 7 episodes in and the audience is still given no reason WHY we should care about, invest in, empathise with, and root for Allie and Margot and many, many reasons why we shouldn't. They are not likeable characters and that's hard to accept when we're given no reasons why they are the way they are. It undermines the entire show and as a viewer you just watch children endangered, lied to, and controlled again and again with no good reason provided for why it is happening. In a way it somewhat works as an allegory for abusive parenting and being stuck in the grip of a destructive narcissist but I'm not sure it is enough.
I will continue watching and I assume at some point we will learn why Allie and Margot are on the run from authorities. I just hope the cost to viewers of holding back that information actually pays off.