5.9 stars.
A few parts of the story are fine, such as the lead male, he's a good role model for young men everywhere. He is the quintessential cowboy who does some moonlighting, so to speak, in this film. He is a rancher first and foremost, but he happens to get caught up in a game of cat and mouse with this pretty game reservist woman. They are hunting an injured wolf, and in the meantime being hunted by a poacher who wishes to bag the wolf and leave them dead on the trail. It sounds like a great adventure, full of action, adventure, hunting, shooting, chasing...but this is far from an entertaining tale. I feel there is something major missing, and I'm not quite sure what, but maybe a little of everything. The music seemed okay, the scenic shots were breathtaking. Maybe it's the dialogue, timing, acting, lack of charisma, who knows. It's just too cheesy and ill timed and just not good.