It's hard to pigeon-hole this movie - suspense? Action? Thriller? Drama? None of the above? Certainly it has all of the above elements, but is not any one off them.
The story begins with a 1939 German-led scientific expedition with Brit and Swedish participants aimed at proving a theory about continental drift which goes haywire when members hear about the invasion of Poland. From this point what had been a mainly interpersonal drama - with several nice elements and a few excellent characterisations - moves into action and intrigue; more I will not say for fear of being branded a blab and nevermore allowed to insert my tuppence-worth here.
There are some very good characters, and some potentially excellent that didn't quite come off. I found the acting of high standard for the most part, but I feel that the script let the cast down by not giving them the scope to develop and project. I also feel that the script did not adequately establish the storyline - establishing scenes in a Nazi Ministry and a Brit Admiral's office bemused, bothered and bewildered rather than laid foundations of plot and character.
After this the story got under way and, while maintaining interest through good, credible action sequences and developing situations, had the feel most of the time that the 'good guys' would inevitably win. How it actually turns out I leave to you to watch the movie and find out; take my word, you will find it worth the 105 minutes.
If you are limited to English, you will need either a dubbed or subtitled version; and the subtitles I have seen so far comprise machine-translated English and way-out-of-sync times. I am preparing a rectified English sub which I will post on