I looked at all the reviews since there's only 21 so far...
i was trying to figure out why some people didn't like it...obviously, some did...
so here's the conclusion/s i came to.
The people that DIDn't like it wanted more zombie action...the people that liked it wanted a good story. And it was. It was a good story, well told...with some surprising touches for a movie of this sort...fine cinematography being one of them...
i guess what EYE like a lot about this movie is how it blended certain dynamics really well, to make something, somewhat, original...in this day and age, with all the stories, pretty much, having been told, all i feel i can hope for is a synthesis of themes that works well...and this was definitely that...i'm surprised at how much i liked it/how good i felt it was. Especially considering all the low ratings...
what kinda sucks is knowing that if carrie ann moss wasn't in it, i probably wouldn't have watched it. I like frank grillo, too...but he plays a small part in the story...all i can say, in conclusion, is that i liked it...definitely was worth my time.