The movie is set in late 16th century Korea. The movie has blended various social and political elements into a sword wielding action movie. It does make you think a bit about who is the worst of the worst: the incompetent king, invading Japanese, or the greedy noble class. However, we the audience did not sign up for a history. As mentioned in my title, if you're looking for a history lesson, please trying reading some books. No one went to see the movie "300" hoping to gain historical insights into the Spartans, did they?
Back to the movie itself. The story is very straight forward and action-driven. Is it such a unique and memorable story? No. Are there some plot holes? Sure. Personally, I had a hard time accepting the fact that the "misunderstanding" that separated the two main characters was so easily resolved at the end. Anyways, the final question is was it entertaining? The answer to that is YES! I especially liked the three-way battle in dense fog.
In summary, this movie will provide you with enough entertainment to justify your investment of 2 hours of viewing time. I give this movie a solid 7 stars. I'm also adding 2 stars to offset some of the ridiculously low scores given for reasons that seem unfair.