Moving into a new house, a woman trying to get over an abusive relationship from her past finds that the charming new boyfriend she has hidden connections to a series of bizarre incidents that happened in the house's history which only exacerbates her burgeoning unstable psychosis.
This was a fairly routine if still enjoyable psychological thriller. The fact that this one goes for a routine format means that so much of this one is immensely predictable from the offset, such as the troubled backstory she has with an abusive ex, the spunky new best friend who wants to be in her life constantly, the nosy neighbors that want to get to know her, and the belief that something might be actually wrong with the house rather than the side effects of her medication. These events are rattled off with the effect of hitting a checklist of sorts to bring about a sense of familiarity with how regular everything appears, and that nothing deviates from these setups, allowing it to start being so predictable over time. It gradually gets to a point where a flashing neon sign highlighting everything is less subtle, especially for factors involving the true nature of her friends or their end goals, making everything even less appealing. That sets into motion the other big issue here where it's far too stupid for its own good. Far too many sequences here are undone by the inability to determine any semblance of logic or reality to any of actions taken here, from the exploits of the psychotic ex who tracks her down when their life has already ended, a series of issues about how the killer to get around the house without being seen, or the notions of the finale which are continually stretched out to try injecting some suspense into things but does so in some immensely illogical ways to try giving this some suspense. These are so difficult to wrap your head around that it becomes somewhat comical at points which ends up lowering this one overall. There is some enjoyment to be had with the idea of the house being haunted as an alternative method to explain her psychosis as some of the ideas done here to enhance this are quite solid and decent enough for what it is, giving it some admittedly likable factors to hold it up.
Rated Unrated/R: Violence and Language.