Trailer Park Boys: Live at the North Pole. A great mash up of the boys Live Shows with a side story attached much like their trip to effin Dublin. 10 years after the Christmas Special (2004) they get to use their mockumentary style to make the whole trip make sense.
Classically Ricky goes to Jail because Julian is only thinking about money. But after Kev sends Bubbles a letter to go to Minneapolis the boys arrive with Ricky under the impression Minneapolis is at the North Pole thanks to Bubbles wanting to keep the Christmas Spirit. The sharper new Netflix TPB looks slick and plays homage to both the series and Christmas Special. A heart warming effort by the rejuvenated boys from Sunnyvale. The one thing you notice is Mike Smiths voice sort if break Bubbles character once in awhile. With a Trailer Park Boys version of A Christmas Carol Bubbles nails it as the Ghosts of Christmas. Longer than the standard TPB special it is a spectacular every seconds. Everyone deserves a couple drinks at Christmas. Plus cameos by Smokey and The Green Bastard.