Directed by Sujoy Ghosh, this mystery short is a captivating episode which turns out to be one of many. The film is set in one house and the buildup of the story is effectively displayed, starting with very well portrayed sexual tension between the young police inspector who visits the place and its resident Ahalya, the gorgeous young wife of a much older artist.
The legendary Soumitra Chatterjee is excellent in a nicely ambiguous performance, and so is Tota Roy Chowdhury, who plays the increasing confusion of the moment really well. Obviously, Radhika Apte is awfully attractive as the young wife and does enough with her presence. It is her role that gives the film its core message of the natures of temptation.
Inspired by the Ramayana, the story and characters are well adapted into this modern-day yet classic setting, which is quite pretty, and successfully serve this metaphoric allusion. The mystery keeps growing gradually until it reaches its climactic highpoint. Despite the chilling conclusion I somehow expected a stronger, more cathartic resolution to the story.