After picking up a lone hitchhiker, the group of deranged clowns follow the individual who left her on the side of the road and stage yet another of their infamous home invasions where they set about righting the wrong of his behavior with their own perverse brand of depraved justice.
This one ended up being quite the enjoyable entry in the franchise. Unlike the other entries in the series, this one works quite well due to the fact that there's somewhat of an actual story on display here. Rather than bog this down with the usual interludes and other such segments, this one tends to focus merely on the group invading the house and offering their torment and depravity for nearly the entire movie which is what allows this one to become quite fun. Given a more rational storyline that gives them a reason to interfere with the family and invade the house rather than feature the same interstitials and segment breaks that are usually a part of the series. It still features them, but at least this time it has a more engaging story that's the main focus throughout here which is where this one really scores from their initial break-in which features the one members' early appearance at the house to the deranged strip-show they force the neighbors into in front of everybody that really turns into a rather expected series of depraved actions. They fully force enough depraved antics here with the full intention of exploiting the home-invasion angle which once again manages to feature a lot of interest in the way it plays out because of that factor as they set about tormenting and torturing the others which includes a lot more sexually-based antics than before. Given the professional look and sheen here that helps to enhance matters that much more, there's a lot to like here that manages to somewhat overcome the main flaw featured here in that the shortness of the effort is greatly emphasized by the intermission segment of the bloodied nurse once again dancing around and tormenting a victim in a bloodsoaked dungeon. While thankfully not nearly as frequent as other efforts, the fact that it still interrupts the flow of the film with the deranged nurse dancing away in the middle of the film that really serves its purpose to display the sleaze yet doesn't do anything else for the film. That brevity is really the only thing that holds it back much.
Rated Unrated/X: Extreme Graphic Language, Continuous Graphic Nudity, Graphic Violence, forced sexual antics and constant depraved antics.