Following the adventures of the backbone crew of a Starship...
Those expecting Lower Decks to echo 1973's Star Trek the animated series may be left feeling like Gene Roddenberry Holodeck ghost. In terms of tone this animated vision of Star Trek is reminiscent of The Orville, Futurama with a mix of Rick and Morty. It's sharp, fast paced and above all entertaining.
Thankfully, with plenty of in-jokes it never leaves the Star Trek universe, firmly set in the Star Trek world of TOS, TNG, DS9 and Voyager etc showing that if anyone can and should be parodying Star Trek it's, er, Star Trek. Lower Decks is wacky, funny, refreshing and outlandish.
With a cast of excellent voice actors the character are humorously and likably brought to life and for obvious reasons Tawny Newsome's Mariner is a sure instant fan favourite. Notable are Jerry O'Connell as Freeman and Noël Well's Tendi to name a few.
While no doubt many fans prefer a live action serious series and rightly so, but so long as they are running this wonderful animated incarnation in conjunction with the usual traditional style series this is Praxis shockwave gold.
Overall, once you buy into the style, it's plain Starship sailing, recommend.