**SPOILERS** Mexican horror movie that has to do with unearthing the hidden Sepulcher of the great Aztec warrior Acatl who's head was entombed together with his, or it's, two eternal defenders the Aztez High Priest Xihu and princess Zochiquati.
With a number of archaeologists breaking into the tomb of Acatl in 1963 438 years after his head was sealed in it, back in 1525, the head suddenly came to life. Acatl, or his head, orders through a combination of mental telepathy and just plain talking the high Priest Xihu to go out and kill, by ancient Aztec ritual sacrifice rites, those who defamed his or it's tomb by opening it.
Predictable plot with Xihu killing all those who disturbed the hiding place of his master the mighty Aztec warrior Acatl. The Princess Zochiquahi disintegrated as soon as the air outside the sealed sepulcher hit her but somehow came back to life as the head of he expedition Prof. Muller's daughter Marta.
At times looking like a wooden cigar store Indian High priest Xihu slumbers around killing off the archaeologists who defamed the holy sepulcher ripping out their hearts and putting them at the head of Acatl, that rests on what looks like a platter. Xihu is far more annoying then threatening when he opens his big mouth and gives his victims an incredibly long and boring speech about the crimes that they committed against Acatl and the princess, as well as the Aztec nation. Xihu practically talks his victims to death before he runs them through with his knife. Slicing up Charlie Stoffer and Ingershaw, two of the archaeologists, then for some reason according to Aztec law Xihu is unable to kill the rest of the infidels. Xihu has get Marta to do the job on them instead which included her father Prof. Muller.
With a now she can and now she can't mindset Marta hits a mental block and can't go through with the killings. The last fleeting minutes of the movie "The Living Head" has Marta struggling with her conscience to or not to kill her father Prof. Muller and his friend Antonio. Xihu goes bananas, with frustration, and finally tells Marta's lover Antonio to murder her for her insolence. Xihu is then given the lowdown to what's really expected of him from his master, the bodiless man, Acatl as he opens his mouth and talks for the first time in almost 500 years.
Telling Xihu that this entire venture, as well as movie, is some kind of a cruel joke and that in fact Antonio is actually himself, Acatl, reincarnated. The head, Acatl, also reveals that Marta is also the incarnation of the princess Zociquati. It's then that the poor man Xihu, who all this time thought that he was doing the right thing, just falls apart knowing that he made a complete jerk out of himself during the entire movie. He should have stayed asleep like he was for almost 500 years.
Even though it by now wasn't necessary anymore, with Xihu no longer a threat to anyone, police detective Able Salazra belatedly comes to the rescue and unloads a full fuselage of lead from his gun on Xihu as he collapses and turns into a mound of dust just like the living head in the movie Acatl does. Mind numbing film that causes you to want to get drunk on a couple of tall and cold "heads" of beer and sleep off and forget what you just saw on the screen.