In terms of the history of the activity of the director and the actors of the film along the night, interesting statistics and points can be expressed. According to the statistics, the film along the night is the 12th activity of the actors of this work. According to people's rating, the film along the night is considered one of the 4 prominent works of Nasser Mamdouh and Masoud Karfis in the acting career.
8 of the actors along the night experienced their first serious acting activity in this work, in fact they were the first films in along the night 8: Ashraf Sagar, Nasser Mamdouh, Farida Verjavar, Masoud Al-Arabi, Akbar Arabi, Masoud Zoli, Maryam Sayad and zero resurrection.
Also, during the night, director Parviz Sayad has experienced his first collaboration with actors such as Fayegh Atashin, Saeed Kangrani, Mahbobe Bayat, Maleeha Nazari, Gitti Forohar and Akbar Dodkar in this work. Among the actors along the night, 112 collaborations have occurred for the first time, in other words, in this film, each of the 16 actors have formed a collaborative relationship with each other, and 112 collaborations have occurred for the first time in along the night. Such as: Fayegh Atashin and Saeed Kangrani, Mehbobe Bayat and Maleeha Nazari, Jahangir Forohar and Ashraf Sagar, Nasser Mamdouh and Farida Verjaver, Giti Forohar and Akbar Dodkar.
Do you know which film artists died during the night? Among the actors and crew of the film Along the Night, 2 people have traveled to Diyar Baghi and are no longer among us: Shadrovan Jahangir Forohar and Saeed Kangrani.