"Midnight Runaround" is the third installment of the MIDNIGHT RUN films, put together for TV to bring back bounty-hunter Jack Walsh. It was not as successful as the first film. Even writer George Gallo had to do with this movie, but it failed, lacking the buddy humor as in the first one.
This time, Christopher McDonald takes over Robert De Niro's Walsh. Now, it is quite difficult to follow in a great actor's footsteps, especially as good an actor as Robert De Niro, but, Christopher McDonald gives a very entertaining performance as Walsh, even though the movie trails off before the end. Christopher McDonald gives Walsh a completely new personality. He gets desperate and angry, but also he has self-confidence which gets him into trouble.
Instead of finding an accountant who embezzled $15 Million dollars, Walsh now has to pick up bail-jumper Dale Adder(Kyle Secor) who escapes L.A. for his home in Oklahoma. Walsh comes across the case and it's another Midnight Run. But, this case wasn't assigned to Walsh from bail bondsman Eddie Moscone(Dan Hedaya). Instead, Walsh gets into debt, and takes a job from a rival company. So, furious with a vengeance, Eddie sends Marvin Dorfler played by Ed O'Ross, to stop Walsh's gaining effort.
When Walsh reaches Oklahoma, he finds himself in another problem. The whole town is protecting Adder and suddenly becomes more funny and stupid than dangerous as they first seem. The characters and story are o-Kay for what they were. The tension between Walsh and Adder was whats missing from the script. That made the first movie become alive.
This film and the other MIDNIGHT RUN films "Another Midnight Run" and "Midnight Run for Your Life" were part of Universal TV's "Action Pack" movie package. They included over 20 made-for-TV movies.
You won't find much information about this movie or the others. If you do, I suggest watching them unless you are a die-hard fan of the original. The made-for-TV MIDNIGHT RUN movies that time forgot are COMPLETELY underrated and underestimated. Christopher McDonald gives Jack Walsh a great performance and is woth seeing. "Midnight Runaround" is a very good installment to the "Midnight Run" series.