This intriguing series scripted by "Prime Suspect" creator Paula Milne has a lot going for it. It's about a housewife, and a recent divorcee, looking for something to do with their lives. They decide to become private detectives. This requires them to be familiar with the state of the art bugging devices. Peter Capaldi is the supplier of all this gear and has to explain everything to them as if they were eight year olds, which they are, when it comes to electronics. They barely know how to push the "Play" button on a tape recorder. Capaldi's exasperation is priceless. This is a more than capable actor, who I've yet to see in a major film production. Why? One of the ladies is so beautiful and sexy, it's a wonder why we don't see more of her in major British films. The acting and direction are superb with a great suppoting cast. The interplay of the two protagonists with each other and Capaldi keeps things at a most enjoyable level, and is head and shoulders above the overated, plodding, drawn out "Inspector Morse".