French Twist is a 1995 French comedy film. I like the film because I personally love comedy movie. Also, it overthrow the past concept of gender relations movie. This film contrarily emphasize more about what characters' personalities have shifted during solving problems. The sexuality parts inside the movie are showed without covering. For example, there is one scene that parents kiss passionately in front of their children. European is more open with the sexuality than American or Asian because even six-year-old-child can watch it with accompanying parents or adult guardian . Therefore, I think the fans of the genre would be satisfied since it clearly shows the relationship of heterosexual and homosexual. The structure of the film is amazing since it is really difficult to predict the plots and the ending; thus, it would attracts audience to concentrate on it. Camera angle creates the mood of the scene. In a scene when Majiro first visit Loli's house, the camera focus on Majiro's chubby body first, and move to her face last. The director wants viewers to emphasis more on her body image in order to clearly show her differences from other standard women. This film support this kind of gender condition like lesbian. I think the movie tries to tell its audience that if people love each other, it is okay to be whether heterosexual or homosexual. Since I am a Asian, I was really shock and surprised after watched this movie. It displays the relationship of lesbian boldly which is really unusual in Asian country not to mention releasing in 1995. I've never have a chance to watch this kind of gender relation's movie because most of them are restricted. Therefore, I like this film since not only scenes and shots are good but also the concepts are amazing. I think the movie might be appealing for homosexual more.