Anyone expecting a film to equal the classic Police Story will be disappointed. I didn't, so I wasn't.
Some comments have been rather scathing but I believe that New Police Story is the best Jackie Chan film to come out since Drunken Master 2, especially as far as action is concerned.
The story, although not perfect, is more than adequate and is something of a departure for Chan. He may not be the world's greatest actor but his performance is more than adequate. Although comedy action is what Jackie does best, that formula is getting tired now.
Although little of the action was original (bus stunt again, amongst others) it is much better in this film than any of his recent American financed films.
Wires have been used by Hong Kong action stars for a very long time now. Jackie Chan used wires in the New Police Story but that is nothing new for Chan now either, he is 50(ish) after all. Anyone who has worked with wires will tell you what hard work it is so it shouldn't be so easily dismissed.
Overall reasonably entertaining film that most Jackie Chan fans will enjoy as long as they are not expecting a film as good as Police Story.
One reviewer gave this 3/10 but if New Police Story is worth 3/10 then the Medallion (for me possibly the worst Jackie Chan film) should have a negative rating. I highly recommend this one to Jackie Chan fans and those who are not may be pleasantly surprised. I give the New Police Story 7/10.