I've seen a lot of movies, I've seen a lot of action movies. I've seen Hollywood and Indie movies. I've seen good movies and horrible movies. Bullets is a great movie, for several reasons. First of all it is ENTERTAINING as hell! The bottom line, when you see a movie you want to feel like you got your money's worth, or in this case your cold hard CASH's worth. Minute for minute, punch for punch, shot for shot Bullets delivers entertainment! Big Time! Another reason Bullets straight up Rocks is that fact that it is a truly independent film. Akina Films, the film production company that made Bullets, calls it "The most ruthless independent film ever made!" That could be an arguable statement, I mean I haven't seen EVERY film ever made so who knows maybe there is another more ruthless indie out there, but not one that I've ever seen! But, how true Akina Films own take on their film may be, it is a TRUE independent film. You ever notice how there are all these "idependent films" out there that were made for like $25 million with a HUGE star attached? To me that's not REALLY independent, that's just a movie that wasn't made by a big studio. Bullet's on the other hand DEFINES the true meaning of the word "independent". If I had to guess just from what I saw on the screen, I would say the budget for Bullets was maybe $1-2 million but I heard it was more like less than $100 thousand! There are no Hollywood Stars in this movie, but I wouldn't be surprised if this movie helped make a star out of a few of the actors because the acting is, for the most part incredible. The cinematography is straight up DOPE, and the story is not only satisfying, but has some great twists. The bottom line is that if you are a Tarantino or a Guy Ritchie fan, you should not only SEE this movie in the theater, but when it's available on DVD you should flip some flow and add this to your collection! Bullet's, Blood and a Fistful of Ca$h, I give Two Fists Straight UP!