Hey, everybody! I just wanted to let you all know that I'm back to reviewing all the episodes of "Mystery Science Theater 3000"! I've finally caught up with everything else. I know few people follow me, but whatever. This is an early episode that for a strange reason only has two segments outside the theater during the movie. At least I'm pretty sure it did. It was weird not seeing the bots in the first segment before the actual movie. Something seemed off here. The effect with the silhouettes didn't seem to work well. It was an early episode.
I just prefer Tom Servo's new voice more and I don't care for Larry. Anyway, this actually did have a lot of great lines. Is this the episode that coined the phrase "Pinocchio Syndrome"? One of my favorites here was "Audience baffled by free floating headlines!". It was also amusing to hear, "Now you'll feel a little sting. Okay, a big sting." I liked "It's the sleeper, an illegal maneuver!". For something made in 1989, this has aged well. At 89 minutes, it might be the shortest episode ever. ***1/2