A game of seven minutes in heaven turns deadly when two teens are attacked by a monster in the closet.
I knew nobody involved.
I like horror shorts but they suffer notoriously with pacing issues however 7 Minutes in Hell does not it suffers from something altogether different. 7 Minutes in Hell suffers with, not being very good.
What I expected and what I got were two very different creatures, I thought it would be a quirky monster in the closet short but what I got was some messy disjointed ghost thing which really defies description.
I usually see what a creator was going for even if I don't like it, here I don't even see that.
Anyone actually done 7 minutes in heaven? I keep seeing it in American movies but have never heard of anybody doing it. Not on this side of the pond or over there. Is it a creepy urban legend? Is it a real sleepover-esque game? Is it just a thing of the past? Very odd.
Interesting premise
Weak execution
All over the place.