They missed the mark on so many levels with this movie let alone trying to justify the biblical aspect of it all. Don't expect this to be based on the Bible for they may have gotten a few ideas but totally missed the mark. With that being said, it was an interesting movie just to see where they were going with this. Sadly you'll be very disappointed if you were expecting to experience something truly based on Scripture of the Rapture. They tried too hard on some aspects then just went wild with the script. Too many things didn't add up or even come together. You have the "Robed Glowing Humanoids", same but different "Geist Like Creatures", the Black Voids that shoot lightning to incinerate humans to a stone distorted pile of goo, the Glowing things Vaporizing people including Children and some that do nothing but hurt if you look at them. It had its entertainment value but it was just weird and the acting was atrocious. Not sure what they were going for, for this would of been better as an apocalyptic film rather than a distorted Biblical Film.