How does this not have more reviews? This was amazing and also incredibly heartbreaking at the same time. This documentary follows the story of Judy Malinowski, who was set on fire by her boyfriend, and the attempt by law enforcement to bring him to justice. It is one of those things you have to see to believe, but this poor woman. Every time they showed interviews with Judy, I wanted to cry. No one should have to endure what this poor lady has gone through. And it really highlights a bigger problem of domestic violence and how it is handled in the United States. It's so sad that the legal system is set up in such a way that people charged with domestic violence can get such light sentences, especially if the victim doesn't die, and that certain evince can't be used in court is mind-blowing. It's not very long, but definitely worth watching. In fact, I would say its a must watch for Judy's testimony alone.