The name precedes itself, coming to think of it, this year is kinda weird from the new animes and strange story lines that's keeps popping out, makes me wonder how far can one's imagination stretch from the concept to the story line to the whole execution of the whole plot one could sit back relax mingle with all the reactions thrown at them by the weird writers and their crazy containers of concept that makes you utter the oi or nani nanda kure but mostly though, wow I'm amazed by how the whole thing turned out agents that keeps unraveling the truth from the get go to the adversities that they come face to face with in their everyday basis that's like the whole thing that makes you want to keep watching but the studio's smart too that much i can tell, it's not easy fitting all the whole good stuff into the fussy first twelve or in this case thirteen that comes to mind instead by marketing the anime which is like sole purpose of the studio boom here's another sequel you predicted.