Esme Percy का जन्म 8 अगस्त 1887 को हुआ था।Esme Percy एक अभिनेता और निर्माता थे, जो Murder! (1930), The Frog (1937) और Pygmalion (1938) के लिए मशहूर थे।उनकी मृत्यु 17 जून 1957 को हुई थी।
He acted in S.I. Hsiung's play, "Lady Precious Stream," at the Little Theatre in John Street, London, England by the People's National Theatre with Carol Cooombe, Louise Hampton, Roger Livesey, Charles Lefeaux, Edith Sharpe, Mabel Constanduros, Viola Lyel, Clifford Bartlett, and Andrew Leigh in the cast. Nancy Price and S.I. Hsiung were directors.