John Doucette का जन्म 21 जनवरी 1921 को हुआ था।John Doucette एक अभिनेता थे, जो True Grit (1969), पैटन (1970) और Cleopatra (1963) के लिए मशहूर थे।उनकी मृत्यु 16 अगस्त 1994 को हुई थी।
Along with fellow actors Craig Richards and Robert W. Mulkey, he founded "Stagecoach Acting School" in Banning, CA, to pass along his considerable talents and experience to aspiring actors.
In पैटन (1970) Doucette played a general under the command of Gen. George S. Patton during World War II. Doucette actually fought as an infantryman in Patton's 3rd Armored Div. during World War II--although not as a general--and took part in the famous Battle of the Bulge (also depicted in "Patton").
Was said to be the fastest draw in Hollywood with a six-gun