Joel Fabiani का जन्म 28 सितंबर 1936 को हुआ था।Joel Fabiani एक अभिनेता हैं, जो Snake Eyes (1998), Department S (1969) और Dark Shadows (1966) के लिए मशहूर हैं।Joel Fabiani Charna Greenberg के साथ 19 नवंबर 2010 से विवाहित हैं।
Joel Fabiani is the cover star of The Smiths' album "Singles Box", a compilation of their 7' vinyl singles, released in 2008. The image, which shows Fabiani next to a black sports car, was part of a series of PR pictures for "Department S" in 1970 - and was personally chosen by Morrissey as the cover of the album in 2008.