So You Want to Get It Wholesale (1952)
** 1/2 (out of 4)
Decent entry in the Joe McDoakes series finds our pal being cheap once again and deciding to buy a stove wholesale. The first one he tries to buy gets returned when Marvin says he can get the same one cheaper but of course this just leads to one problem after another. The jokes in this series were always very simple ones and they always depended on star George O'Hanlon to deliver them. His quirky mannerisms are what really stole the show here as he frantically tries to get the best deal in town. This leads to several funny scenes including one with an overly hyper salesman (played by Frank Nelson) with that overly annoying voice. The highlight of the film would have to be a scene that takes place in "Stove Heaven" where Joe keeps trying to get a better deal yet never catching on to the fact that he's being taken advantage of. As usual O'Hanlon steals the show but he gets some nice support from Phyllis Coates, Rodney Bell and Nelson.