This film is quite possibly the worst I have ever seen, and I have seen some crap. It makes Legionnaire look like Sunset Boulevard. Technically, the movie is a joke: colour and grain vary hugely from shot to shot, stock footage is interspersed with comical regularity, and the various forays into "special effects" are just plain ridiculous. The plot is beyond nonsense. Calling the acting wooden is a grave insult to wood everywhere. What bothers me most however is the bizarre tone of the movie: it is suggested that the protagonists are a family of conservationists (this is by no means clear) but the vast majority of the film is taken up by a constant and sometimes bloody struggle with nature. Coupled with this is a subplot about "freedom fighters" who are later referred to as "bad men" and are not above shooting at unarmed children. I simply can't understand how such a movie could have been made. If it is shots of African flora and fauna you are after, this is not the film for you, as the few shots that aren't of animals being netted, rammed by Land Rovers or stabbed with hunting knives are largely stock footage. Watch the Discovery channel instead; it won't leave you with a bad taste in your mouth.