My version also called "Ninja Empire" features the same cast and crew as rhobotdog's version. I believe this version is actually "Ninja Phantom Heroes." This film matches the cast and crew given in the credits. So if you get a movie called "Ninja Empire" and the credits say a Bruce Lambert(Another name Godfrey Ho goes by)film and stars Joff Houston, John Wilford, Christine Wells, Glen Carson, George Dickson, Allen Leung, Dennis Shek, Dinny Yip, and Bob Cheng. Then your actually watching "Ninja Phantom Heroes." Also the comment for "Ninja Phantom Heroes" talks about a US Ammunition Dump and a white and cameo ninja which appeared in the version I got.
Anyway, it doesn't matter much because Godfrey Ho's ninja films are all the same. Some cheesy ninja action edited into footage from canceled and terrible movies that have no relation to anything else in the move with a terrible script dubbed over it to try and make it coherent, but it ultimately fails.