I have been sitting and reading the completly brutal reviews of this movie for about two hours now and I guess me and my two friends are the only ones that found this movie HILLARIOUS.
As the movie started, I was thinking "Oh great, Scary Movie 4". But the more that Club Dread went on, the jokes got better, and I couldn't stop laughing. From Sam the fun police to Jenni (played by the super hot Brittney Daniel) each charecter was histarical. Especially Cocanut Pete who everyone seems to think was a unfunny atempt at Jimmy Buffet, in case you didn't notice, in the movie they take a shot at him being a Jimmy Buffet rip off "Play Maragrita Ville!".
And before you dismis my recamendation as yammering from a Broken Lizard fan boy don't think so soon, I have never seen any other Broken Lizard flicks, but after this wonderfully executed movie, I plan on it.
I think it sums up to you have to have a certain since of bizar humour at some points and just keep a open mind when watching the movie. It wasn't the best movie I've seen by far, but I am going over lines in my head this morning from two nights ago and still laughing.
Broken Lizards Club Dread is a extremly funny movie that doesn't deserve to be bashed like it is. It is a very funny..... comedic slasher. The Jimmy Buffet rip offs and cheesy ending is exactly what Broken Lizard was aiming for, and if you look at it like that, many of the "mistakes" become funny as oposed to angering.
The Final Numbers 8 out of 10.