It should be clear that-given the show's controversial topics-it will be subject to harsh criticism, as well as affirming support. Personally, I enjoy narratives that aren't sugar-coated. This is a real and raw look at adolescence from a modern student's point of view. Yes, there may be cliches, but the story overall feels fresh and original. I read a review that attacked the legitimacy and safety of public education. While there are cases that may dignify this opinion, most people don't have the means to attend private institutions. Instead of simply denouncing government run education, fight to improve it. No system is perfect, which is why it will take a cumulative effort to create necessary change. It sounds simplistic, but if this show highlights anything, it's that this generation will lead the charge to change the antiquated and divisive ideals that have plagued this nation since its inception. Stand tall and "FREE THE NIPPLES!"