Come on, on YouTube you can do what you want, search for the material that stupefies you as long as you know how to read, thousands and thousands of videos are on that page, but there are some "Trolls" who want to see the world burn, melt until only a layer of dry sand remains in the Galaxy, people who without hesitation would kick a grandfather in the balls, insufferable people who just want to see you die, dismembered by a pack of lions, and that's how it was... of course!, the most amazing video length of youtube, 596 hours.
Simply... Incredible, they should make the one I believe in this video the president of Somalia so that he ends his bloody civil war and gives money to the entire Middle East, who dances samba on the coast of Australia while a camel shoots money with an ak47, that he has a Bughatti and travels through the 31 States of Mexico and returns to Somalia where he travels through its entire capital throwing money in the streets, that they make him president of the UN, he himself will decide the World Destiny.
Come on bro, what were you thinking when you made this video?