This film begins with a young woman named "Jen" (Jill Whitlow) running as fast as she can through the woods of Florida trying to escape from a deranged killer who just stabbed her "boyfriend" (played by Jason Henne) in the chest. To her relief, she just happens to come upon a cabin where three young women named "Sukie" (Sushii Xhyvette Holder), "Luna" (Sith Jade) and "Minerva" (Veronica Raine) live and immediately tells them what just happened. However, rather than being alarmed by this news, the three women turn out to be witches who live to devour everyone they come into contact with--and she is their next meal. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this was one of those ultra-low-budget films which most suffered from the usual problems with productions of this sort. Interestingly enough, although much of the acting was rather bad, the three witches made up for it, to a certain extent, by clearly giving their all for this film. That is to say, they left nothing to the imagination. Additionally, unlike so many other low-budget movies of this type, there was no shaky camera footage. The real problem, however, was with the special effects--which were so bad that it would have probably been best to simply leave most of them out. But that is just my opinion. In any case, while I certainly don't consider this to be a good movie by any means, I have to respect the efforts of the three main actresses just mentioned, and I have rated it slightly higher than it probably deserves.