The story of The Beatles is so well known that finding a new angle on it is almost impossible, however, this film tries by telling the story from the point of view of their manager, Brian Epstein. It succeeds well early on, recreating The Cavern club, the Epstein music store, and the very first meetings, but then the story becomes ever so familiar; Beatlemania; Abbey Road and George Martin; breaking America; the Ed Sullivan show etc etc, with a smattering of Epstein's ups and downs and his complex private life, which is portrayed as ultimately lonely and in turmoil, particularly in trying to deal with his homosexuality when it was still illegal and taboo. Jacob Fortune-Lloyd does an excellent job as Epstein, with good or passable cameos of George Martin, The Beatles themselves, Cilla and others, but I felt just maybe a bit more of the really early story, less of the so well trodden saga, might have made this more impressive. The film also deals well with the problem (because of the cost of song rights) of not including actual Beatles music. Not a failure, and definitely worth a look.