I only knew tangentially of tegan and sara before seeing this show. It doesn't matter towards your potential enjoyment whatsoever.
The scene-setting for me particularly (incredibly early-mid 90's pilled musically) was so fun to see. My high school experience was a decade after this show but It didn't feel far off at all.
The acting is quite good. The 2 leads are asked to be all sorts of things... snotty, sarcastic, infatuated, caring... and they do all of it well enough. The real heavy hitting will come towards the end of the season I'm assuming.
The Mother is a real breath of fresh air. She strikes a balance between "cool mom" and stern that you love to see.
Having 2 separate but conjoined queer stories at the helm of a coming of age show is something we need more of. Hopefully gone are the days of a "thrown in" queer story or even the stereotypical stuff with a "good heart". This feels very real.