As soon as Thea told Jake that she saw his car, the movie was over for me. I was like wow. Of course I kept watching because I wanted to the see the bad guy get burned.
I thought maybe Thea was playing him and was going to outsmart him but no, she just pretty much actually comitted suicide by stupidity.
Horribly written movie. Ya the acting was bad but the writing is more important. So many plot holes.
The acting was passable enough to keep you engaged.
The only saving grace was Emma catching on and saving the day. Her acting was bad too. Especially the line about where her mother was. At least take a pic of the shrine to old ma as evidence for later. And then shut the door to the shrine room. I love how everyone finds everything they need right away in a movie.
Everything was unbelievable about this movie.
The main character was bug eyed and bitchy. Would Jake really fall for a feminist?
Austin should have been the one to figure out that Jake was the bad guy. It just shows that Britany married a dumb ass and an alcoholic.
Why would Lifetime make such a badly written movie. The plot holes and character inconsistencies are so obvious that Lifetime must have done this on purpose. Do terrible movies make more money? There's no way these rich execs thought the writing was passable.
Were they playing a joke on us? Is this supposed to be a covert comedy?