"Alvin and the Chipmunks" is a franchise that's been getting much popularity with many kids of passing generations. The film series, based on the 80's to 90's cartoon, based on the 50's album, tells the story of the relationship of Dave Sullivan taking care of 3 chipmunks who become rock stars, and it's been told as it's been. The film series is something that most people find to be anything, but masterpiece material.
With the first film, it was a decent film that introduced the new generation to Alvin, Simon and Theodore, on how they met Dave Suvil, played by Jason Lee, but didn't do as good as was expected. The film, however, was far from terrible, so it was something one could watch and enjoy from time to time. The second film however, didn't do as well as the first. It felt too much like the first film, with David Cross being the film's antagonist again, and repeating some of the same jokes. With the new film, only four words would describe it.
It's not the 'Squekquel'.
The new film does try to work in a new kind of concept and bring something new into it, but mostly falls flat due to most clichés. This is the only movie where David Cross isn't the villain and it doesn't involve any of the chipmunks or chipettes in cages. I do give credit for trying, but it's not enough to say that it's as good as the original. I'm not saying that it's TERRIBLE or anything, but it's not good either. Some of the jokes in the beginning along with some scenes with David Cross are what I seemed to have laughed. The pop-culture references and songs sung in the film are sort of recognizable, but some aren't ones that I'm not very fond of.
Another thing that is kind of upsetting is the cast of characters. If they're going to alter the voices anyway, then they could've just gotten some new actors to do it anyway. But then again, some people are desperate for work and will do anything for a paycheck. Would I say it's bad? Mostly, but it has it's moments sometimes. Would I pay tickets for this in the theater? Technically, I did, but for others, I'd wait to rent it.