Do not be afraid, ever, of approaching the talent you want in your
film. Because actors at any level want to be in front of the camera,
that's what we're built to do. Actors want to act. So, if we're free,
we have the time, and you have a project that is a role that we haven't
played before, or it's written in a witty way, or tells a story that we
want to be a part of, we'll do it! And the best thing is to have your
pitch. If you have no money but you've got a lot of heart, pitch the
hell out of it! And, if you have a good story in your head, don't let
it get over-processed by too many decision makers. Now, of course,
that's what the studio system is all about [laughs], but do your
darndest to stay true to your vision. (Advice for budding Indie film