Adam Nelson recently produced and appeared in BI-Coastal 24 Hour Plays Benefits to aid the NY State WTC Relief Fund. Performers included with Philip Seymour Hoffman, Rosie Perez, Benjamin Bratt, Billy Crudup, Mary-Louise Parker, Julianne Moore, Marisa Tomei, Kyra Sedgwick, Lili Taylor, Natasha Lyonne, Scarlett Johansson, Liev Schreiber, Robert Sean Leonard, Drena DeNiro, Catherine Kellner, Brendan Sexton, Jared Harris, Sam Rockwell, Fisher Stevens, Jane Adams, Christina Applegate, Jennifer Coolidge, Portia Di Rossi, Seth Green, Adam Goldberg, Jeffrey Jones, Ann Magnuson, Gina Phillips, John Ritter, Sarah Silverman and Ione Skye who performed six short plays, each written and rehearsed less than a day before the curtain raised.