Javierruiberriz,you should study more history and vaccinate yourself against patriotism: Ceuta and Melilla did exist before the Portuguese and Spanish intromission and expansionism, under the pretext of protecting themselves. Ceuta from Phoenician establishments, through the Romans, the Byzantines and various Germanians until the Arab invasion and intermittences between the kingdom of Castile and North African dynasties. It was not until 1415 that his story is as we know it. Melilla also has Phoenician ancestry; First it was called Punic Rusadir and its current name could come from Tamazight "Tamlilt". Abderramán III created the Taifa de Melilla in 927, which was integrated into the Caliphate of Córdoba and maintained close relations with the Muslim Hispania of al-Andalus. In 1497 everything changed and its future became linked to Spain via the Medina-Sidonia.
Ceuta and Melilla have never ever belonged to Morocco, javierruiberriz? Are and always be Spanish? Do you still believe that? Spain was a nation when the hosts of Tarik arrived in Spanish territory in 711? Did they already exist in 711 Sevilla and Madrid? All of Morocco was only tribes for the time? I think you should know and heal yourself of your ignorance or maledicted nationalism. Idrisíes, Meriníes and Hafsíes were not simple tribes, but empires with their domains to both sides of the Straits.
Ceuta and Melilla have their North African past, it's just a fact that you have nationalist sentiments.And about the series ... it's as manic as it is flimsy.