This was a rather unusual series. Set in the late Victorian period it stars Alan Dobie as Cribb, a Scotland Yard Detective Sargeant. The tone of the series is set by Cribb's character - from humble origins he has to suffer fools (his snobbish and social-climbing superior for one) whose connections have brought advancement, if not gladly then with wry and tongue in cheek humour. Cribb is at the same time humane and understanding of human failings - including frequently those of his own rather hapless staff.
The stories are inventive and rather quirky. Each is quite different from the other in theme and location. Costumes, locations, references to contemporary events and efforts to create a correct period atmosphere, language and manners suggest that the writer and the production went to some pains to achieve authenticity. It also has quality guest stars. It is good, likable and quite intelligent family (mid teens upward) entertainment with some educational value. The British ITV3 network has been repeating the series for several years.