This series, which ended in 1996 is still one of the greatest untapped potential for mass sales and marketing out there. Numerous fan sites still abound across the net, as do writers of fan fiction. You can still even catch reruns of the series on SciFi channel from time to time in the wee hours of the morning, nine years past the death of the show itself, and yet it has never been released on DVD. "Why?", you may be asking yourself. Simply put, nobody knows! For years now the die hard fans of the show have stayed up, weak and blurry eyed to catch a glimpse of the once great show as it slithers into the latest hours of the programming schedule, along side the other once great show "Friday the 13th, the series", yet it has never seemed to dawn on any of the shows producers to actually take advantage of it's marketing potential. So, while nobody runs out to buy such lame fare as "The American Hero", or one of the other equally ill conceived television series from the 70's and 80's, legions of fans still sit back and wait, hoping to glimpse the awesome spectacle known as "Poltergiest: The Legacy, The Boxed Set".