The older Brass become, the easier its films. It seems, as if it has the dark sides of the life completely beside, which it so urgently produced still with CALIGULA and SALON KITTY. Since SNACKBAR BUDAPEST he praises himself besides, completely on a connection of sexuality and brutality was to do without. MONELLA used up itself and leaves completely the summer-resorts comedy anyhow us curious view sharing at the life-merry plots, which the girl leads around its prudent engaged one. As in MIRANDA Brass catches here the Italian land life affectionately and looks again and again for original and bizarre perspectives, in order to regard its heroine in flagrant. Its occasional mix between 70's Softporno and contemporary hard core's what rends the Brass style fantastic, and it is amazing that its films beside the tide of purely porn productions can maintain ground still. But Brass goes around the production from eroticism, not around flesh banality. In addition he thinks out the most amazing situations. If the master should throw the towel, will somewhat be missing: Nobody can produce so loosely and at the same time as sensual as he can... And MONELLA is reliably one of the most beautiful examples to appreciate this style.