and I'm inclined to agree.HeliCops isn't a good action series,it isn't exciting or intriguing as an action series should be.But it's hilariously funny.They say there are no German humor,this is just not true.Just take a look at HeliCops or Cobra 11 if you don't believe me. It has it's unintentional(I suppose)qualities like a bad Chuck Norris-movie.
There's just something with the platinum blonde guy playing the lead role,stone-faced like Schwarzenegger(probably his idol)that will lift your spirit whenever you feel low,if not in the way it was originally intended by the creators,so what?The British are the European masters of TV-series.And for a good reason. But I'm still sure HeliCops will be remembered,if not for quality so at least for it's uninhibited intentions of trying to be a true American-style action series,with absolutely no self-criticism.We need more of that kind of humor!